Friday, March 5, 2010

Photo Lesson Part 1 & The Scary Princess

Yesterday was my first day of photography lessons. I received a gift certificate from Greg for my birthday. I finally got the first class scheduled. I learned the basics of photography, shutter-speed, aperture and/or F-spot and ISO (film speed). My photography instructor, Gary was able to show me all these modes on my Nikon D60 and how to change and modify them. In the words of Lauren Sykes, "It rocked my world". Wow! This is awesome stuff! I am starting to see the light! I am enjoying being the student for a change and learning something new.

Today I played around with all these different features and was able to capture some really cool shots. Here they are...

These first two images were my first attempt at panning. The background is blurry and the main subject, in this case Matthew and Gabby riding their bikes, stay focused. Pretty cool effect.

This evening the whole family was out and Alex and I passed this dress and bridal boutique and immediately when he saw this he said "oh, scary princess." I am still laughing as I write this. Later on in the evening I got my camera out of the car and was able to use my new knowledge and capture this picture of the "Scary Princess" in all her glory.


brittany said...

i agree... it is so nice to be the student for a change! love those shots of the kids!

The Baughers said...

that is a scary princess-hilarious!! love your shots and so glad you enjoyed your first lesson!

laurenesykes said...

i'm still laughing days later over the scary princess...