The sun was shinning, there was a slight breeze in the air and the temperature was so ideal, Spring is in the air. It was such a lovely day to be outside enjoying God's creation. The first part of our day consisted of the kids being outdoors playing and riding bikes. Then it was time to head to Matthew's Karate belt testing.

Here is Matthew warming up getting ready for the belt testing. He has been progressing so quickly through the belts. It has been a joy to watch him grow in and through Karate.

Matt had to sidekick and break a board as the final part of his test. He nailed it! Man, was that cool to watch.

He is now a red belt.

Matthew, Mr. Jose and Alex aka "mayhem" (you know that car insurance commercial?)

After lunch Gabby and I attended the annual ladies Easter celebration at Judith's home. Judith and her sister Amy supply crafts, cookies to decorate and an easter egg hunt. All the ladies, young and old had a lovely time.
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