Another first...
Gabby and Matthew love to play and ride scooters and bikes out doors. Matthew has been asking us to put the training wheels back on Gabby's bike so he could ride. We told him if he wants to ride a bike he will have to learn how to ride the two wheeler. So, both Greg and I tried on numerous occasions and it just didn't stick.
We noticed one afternoon while the kids were playing on the drive way that Gabby would hold the bike and help Matthew balance while he attempted to maneuver the two wheeler. She was patient and always encouraging him. This was happening each time they would play outside. Greg jokingly said, "wouldn't it be funny if Gabby taught Matthew how to ride a bike?!" Well, it happened! I went out front this afternoon and to my surprise found Matthew riding Gabby's pink two wheeler in a circle on the driveway. I let Matthew go onto our block and ride around and Gabby ran beside him the whole way. I think he went around the circle about 6 times.
A huge smile is on my face now as I remember how sweet that moment was. The fact that our 6 year old taught her younger brother, who is 4 years old, how to ride a bike. The patience she had with Matthew and the constant encouragement she showered him with, has me overjoyed. Matthew would continuously laugh off all his falls and run ins with the shrubs like it was some kind of game, BOYS! He showed a lot of patience and perseverance as well. You can't teach this stuff. I am so thankful I was able to witness this moment in their lives.
1 comment:
Glad your first day went so well! And so exciting that Matthew learned to ride and was taught by his big sis... Gabby looks so proud of her brother in the pictures-what a great encouragement to all invovled!
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