Remember our four-legged friend Winston? We adopted him back in April from TN. Winston was a handsome dog who walked well on his leash, was friendly to everyone, was laid back, slept in his crate and loved to run. We enjoyed having him around. He had his accidents but that comes with the territory. We were about two weeks in and adjusting to our new way of life. One evening while sitting around the table after dinner. Alex and Winston were on the floor. There was a dog toy between them. We seem to think Alex was at Winston's level and this must have triggered something in Winston. He growled and then bit Alex in the face. We rushed Alex to the ER where we were told that his scars where superficial but required three tape stitches.
Then next day Winston growled at Alex on two occasions and our gut was telling us this was not going to work out. Thankfully the rescue's policy was that we send him back. A week later Winston went back to TN. We were all sad to see our friend go but knew it was for the best. You might be wondering why I am sharing this and why has it taken me so long? Well, we were concerned about the after effects and Alex's reaction to dogs. We are happy to report that Alex has showed no signs of being traumatized. He actually enjoys petting and being around dogs and talks about Winston often. We are so relieved to know there is still a healthy relationship between Alex and dogs. Many of you shared your dog bite experiences with us and we were happy to observe that the majority of these individuals own dogs today.
Why so long? Well, I was not sure how to share and the majority of people we know knew about it anyway. I did want to share a picture of Winston which was taken the day before the incident and a picture of Alex two days after the incident. Even though this picture will always remind us of what happened I do have to admit it is one of my favorite pictures of Alex. The way he looked, the expression on his face and the lighting are some of the reasons why it will be a favorite and I wanted to share the picture with all of you.
To all of our friends and family we thank you for your prayers during that time. We greatly appreciate it.