Sunday, May 23, 2010

Piano Recital

Today Matthew and Gabby participated in the annual spring piano recital. They along with ten other students performed two pieces of music. Matthew was one of the youngest and the first to perform. They looked so professional playing on the grand piano and did an awesome job. Mama and Daddy are so proud of them both. Many hours of practice paid off. They each received a lovely trophy and certificate for their achievements this year. Well done Gabby & Matthew....Bravo!

Gabby and Matt with their piano teacher Mrs. Sharon Patterson

Nana & Grandpa Arrive

Gas $150
Fast food $50
Starbucks $30
Hugging your grand kids after two days of traveling...PRICELESS!

Blue Belt

Saturday Matthew tested for his blue belt. He along with two other kids kicked, punched and broke boards to prove they where worthy of earning the next color belt. Congratulations to our little Karate kid!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Fun Friday!

I had the camera out the other day and thought I would share the silliness that Matthew initiates around here.
I love his face in this picture.

All I can think of when I see this pictures is FAME! Remember that show?!
Happy Friday!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Homeschool Co-op Family Night

We have completed our 1st year together as the Arise Homeschool Co-op. What a fun year! We celebrated by having a family night. The students performed or recited something that they studied and learned from our year together. Even the Prek participated by singing (complete with hand motions) The Cool Bear Hunt song. This was by far one of their favorite things to do throughout the year. Each family had a table which displayed work they had done throughout the year. Our night ended with cake and a lovely slide show of pictures from our times together including all of the fun field trips we participated in together. We are looking forward to next year which by the way is already in the planning stages. Our work is never done.

Gabby and some of her art work

Alex & Matthew with their PreK class singing The Cool Bear Hunt
Gabby during the 1st - 3rd grade presentations about countries around the world

Greg and the boys
The Dads were challenged by the 1st - 3rd grade class to an art game. The had to identify the artist and the name of the painting. The kids won.
The Children of our homeschooling co-op.

It was such a wonderful time. We enjoyed our Tuesdays learning and having fun with these wonderful families. We have been blessed with such a great group.