In celebration of Earth Day we decided to have a picnic. We got together with
Brittany & Gabe and the
Baugher girls, Dana, Arden & Esther. We headed over to the Cross park. A local Catholic church has beautiful grounds and is right on the intracoastal. It was a great place to have a picnic and enjoy all the the Lord has created. His works are a testimony to us on how great and awesome He is.
How did you celebrate Earth Day? What are you doing to Reduce, Reuse & Recycle?
We are trying to do our part here in our household by...
::planting a vegetable and herb garden::
::using cloth napkins & dishtowels (instead of paper towels)
::cloth diapers::
::homemade or environmentally friendly cleaning products::
::using reusable bags at all stores::
::reusing glass containers (from store bought items instead of purchasing plastic Tupperware-like containers::
Hopefully next year the list will be longer. Go out and celebrate and remember the 3 "R", Reduce, Reuse & Recycle!

Check out those nostrils!

Cross Park
Check out that new smile!
~Update on Gabby~
She is doing great! She is recovering so well that she has not taken any pain medication. She has done such a remarkable job handling all of this. We are so happy for her and how she has come through this big event in her 6 years of life.