Saturday, February 28, 2009
Park Day!
Friday we headed to the park with our friends Arden and Esther Baugher. We had a great time at the park and really enjoyed the beautiful weather the Lord blessed us with. Here are some of my favorite pictures from our day.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Gabby's New Smile!
This evening while drying off from taking a bath, Gabby slipped and fell and hit her mouth on the edge of the tub. I found her crying, bleeding and toothless. I found the tooth and then helped get the bleeding to stop. Gabby handled it all quite well. After the initial shock and pain had subsided, Gabby was pretty thrilled that she lost a tooth. Unfortunately, it was the other front tooth that was loose and the one she has been working at to come out. Go figure. Well, I could not let the moment pass without a picture(any excuse to get out the new camera). So, here is our sweetheart with one less tooth. I wonder how much money she will get for this traumatic extraction?

The Boys!
This past Sunday we decided to go out front and enjoy the beautiful weather we were having. Alex has had a runny nose (which does not look good in photos) and always seemed to be sleeping whenever I had the camera out. I have been wanting to take some shots of him outside in the natural light and Sunday was the perfect day to take pictures. Here are some of my favorites that I captured of the boys. Alex looks like he was released from a very fashionable prison or he's on a rugby team,you decide.

Saturday, February 21, 2009
New Camera!!!
Friday we recieved our new Camera and I immediately started taking pictures. I am so glad we made this investment. I can see such a difference in picture quality and I am just loving all the options I have with this camera. Thank you to Lauren aka "LES", for helping with the research of the camera. Now I will abuse my friendship with her and have her use her degree in photography and give me free lessons. I have so many questions. In the mean time I think I did pretty good for my first day. By the way its a Nikon D60 and did I say I'm lovin' it! Here are some of my favorite pictures. Enjoy!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Happy Valentine's Day!
Gabby cutting out hearts
Matthew cutting out his Valentine's Day hearts
Mommy cut out hearts too!
Daddy brought lots of love in the form of flowers to Mommy's HEART!
For Valentine's Day we filled them with some of their favorite candy.
Friday, February 6, 2009
Dress Up
Today we had Arden and Esther over for a play date. The girls decided to play dress up. Alex even got involved in all the fun. Here are some pictures from our FUN FRIDAY!
Esther (How precious is this picture!)
Argh Matey!
Early summer of 2008 Greg was diagnosed with gout. When I was telling one of my girlfriends about it she said "I thought only pirates got gout?" We all got a good chuckle out of that and well, it stuck and evidently so did the gout. Greg was complaining about the outside of his foot hurting. He thought that maybe he injured it while working out. Well it progressively got worse and started to swell. He took himself to an urgent care center and was told he had gout, again. So, when he called to inform me of his diagnosis the kids and I decided to welcome home daddy the proper way, pirate style. Thanks to gout we get to look and talk like pirates, well at least for a day.

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