For some odd reason I had to keep suppressing those first day jitters and butterflies that were building in my stomach as we went to the kitchen table to get started with Kindergarten. I kept having to remind myself that the kitchen table was the ultimate destination and that she wasn't going to have to put on her new spotless white sneakers or board the school bus.
Greg and I have prayed and talked through this decsion to homeschool our children since Gabby was a baby. It's hard to believe that after almost six years, we're starting our first born's formal education.
I am thrilled to be teaching all of the wonderful and interesting subjects to Gabby (Matthew & Alex) and to lead her in showing how God's hand is at the root of every subject. We are so fortunate to have her home and to educate her in this fashion. I am blessed to be able to stay at home with our children and now to remain their primary source of formal education. Greg is also looking forward to taking on some teaching as we progress through the year and in years to come. We covet your prayers as we embark on this new journey. We sense that this is the Lord's calling for us and our family and ask that you pray with us for time management, patience and to teach Gabby (Matthew & Alex) a love for learning.
I am so thankful for the homeschooling moms and teachers who have answered so many of my questions and who have encouraged me numerous times. I appreciate each of you and thank you for your words of wisdoms, helpful tips and borrowed curriculum. I hope to one day pay it forward.
Above are pictures of Gabby that we took today. I had Gabby draw a picture about the first day of Kindergarten and this was her picture drawn in her typical birds-eye-view fashion. The girl with the E1 above her head is Mommy, it is supposed to be my age (31) and we're seated at the table. The little girl with the 5 above her head is Gabby. There is an airplane at the top and down below is another table and chair with a computer set on top. This isn't a bad view to have!